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Monday, December 8, 2008

Cookie - I've Been Good

Guess what mistress pulled tonight? She got me and Treader wearing Christmas hats! One that said "I've Been Good". And I have. I didn't even try to knock the hat off I was so good. :D
I was jolly enough at first:
Until mistress ran out of treats.
The she did this:
And I got bored:
Then she took my hat off and told me to catch it as she tossed it to me. I caught it:
And she happened to find one more treat up her sleeve (actually, now that I'm thinking about it, she did get up to get another one) and hid it in the hat. I naturally tried to find it:
I found it and she took the hat and toss it again, saying "get it!".
"Bweh. This hat tastes bad!"

Was it all worth it?
It was, to score some good points with Santa Paws and to get those treats!

Now, I'll show you Treader's photo shoot. There's not as many of him tonight because he wasn't being as interesting as I was. That is unusual for him.

But I guess running around outside all day (he ran off chasing some stray cats when someone opened the front door, the little opportunist) is tiring.
He did manage to smile some though:

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